we all know that cartoons provide a message to their viewers. And when we talk
about the funny cartoons then we can say that it gives us reason to laugh. A
person who creates a cartoon called cartoonist which is based on funny instant.
Cartoonists take story from the society and then they put little bit humor in it.
This gives us a reason to laugh. These characters act like uncommon or
different way that attracts the viewers. Most of the times the cartoonist takes
story from the realities of the life.
these funny cartoons are being used everywhere like electronic media, print
media and etc.Infact cartoons have become the vital part of print media. They
publish a special story and give and lesson to their readers. Like you will
notice these characters by discussing political issues or some sports related
jokes or etc.Many peoples use it for their advertisement as well like they put
on funny cartoons on the posters. Where every person takes interest in the post
and the thing become known among all persons. Nowadays we can see the images of
cartoons in study books as well which give a reason to the kids to work hard.
Many people are working on the animated cartoons series which are being telecast
on television on daily basis. like Chota Bheem, Motu Patlu cartoons and etc.
we will come towards of types of cartoons like animal cartoons, Funny cartoons
3D-2D and etc.Most of the peoples take interest in funny cartoons because it give
us reason to laugh and it release tension as well. However 2d cartoons are also
known as animated which are digital designed for animated purpose. And these
cartoons are created with the help of different tools.
Doraemon cartoons at